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The Thirteen Articles of Jewish faith are as follows:

History- Abraham was the first Hebrew and Father of the Jews. He refused the idolatry and worshipped monotheism. For this action he was promised many offspring. His second son, Isaac, was to continue Abraham's work and inherit the land of Israel (Canaan) after already being exiled. Jacob and his family were sent to Egypt, where they became slaves and were to be rescued by Moses. Once rescued, the Israelites gathered at Mount Sinai and received the Torah. This combined with other elements, produced the written as well as oral Torah. God led these people to the land of Israel. Once settled, the tabernacle was planted in Shiloh for over 300 years in which God provided great men and some women to ward off attacking enemies. The tabernacle was stolen by the Philistines once religious levels declined in Israel. Solomon built the first permanent temple according to God's will, in Jerusalem. In World War II, over 6 million Jews where killed in genocide by Germans. This was a horrific event in Jewish as well as the world's history. Heaven- Jewish believe in eternal life of a man's soul. Major Leaders/Prophets- Moses Isaiah Abraham Sacred Times during a year- Hanukkah Rosh Ha-Shanah Location of Most Followers- Israel Europe USA Number of followers Total- 14 million Orthodox Conservative Reform Cause of Split in Denominations- Different views of acceptable breaks in Historic Judaism

Judaism Websites

Judaism compared and contrasted to Rastafari
Our Picture Gallery
Judaism 101
Minnesota State University-Judaism
Religious Tolerance- Judaism
REligion Facts- Judaism